I think to clarify objectives, set goals, and provide intention.

Because design is a human-centered activity, I think through real problems that people identify. This sets a clear intention for any work that I embark on. I also reflect on the design process with words, blending theory and practice in an attempt to bring scholarship and industry closer together.

Below are some select writings and an outline of my optimal design method.

Design Writing

Working with Incomplete Information
Published on Medium (December 2022)

Design is not Problem Solving
Published on Medium (December 2017)

Why? Because Passion Matters.
Published on Medium, Uncommon Sense (May 2014)

We Design for People and What They Value
Published on Medium, Uncommon Sense (November 2013)

design process


Fully thinking through the problem context and outlining constraints with my team is always the first step. It is essential to understand what the issue is, why the issue exists, and who the issue effects.

Studying the audience, their needs, and what they deem important is critical to understand the objective. Gathering both qualitative data and qualitative research are also key to assessment.

Aligning with stakeholders on the problem and audience helps identify short-term and long-term goals. Collaboration is best to determine the hypothesis, scope, and schedule for the project.


With the objectives agreed upon, developing an early response is very helpful. Brainstorming sessions, concept sketching, and wireframing with paper and pixels adds efficiency in development.

Building off of the initial concepts, applicable workflows can be built and modeled with varying levels of detail. This is also an appropriate time to prototype interactions to test usability.

Getting feedback early is essential for cross-functional teams. Meeting with stakeholders at this point is important to critique work, discuss heuristics, and get alignment on project direction.


Determining how the audience responds to the design is a crucial phase. Checking test results against the problem hypothesis and initial objectives is vital for the initial evaluation. 

With testing feedback in mind, reworking specific aspects of the design is necessary. This refinement often leads back to the composing stage, and again through presentation and testing. When the audience responds well to the proposed experience, then it’s time deliver in the desired format. 

Once the design has shipped, full analysis begins. Interpreting initial results and discussing with stakeholders takes place, as the investigation phase of the product experience begins again.